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Store returned by Rematch is essentially a Redux store with a few additional properties and extra features. Therefore, for more in-depth reference of the functions 'provided by Redux', refer to the Redux documentation.


Store is an object which contains the following properties:

  • name (string): name of a store

  • addModel(namedModel): it allows to lazy-load models and merge them into Rematch after init has been called. addModel accepts namedModel which means it needs to have parameter name defined (see example below).

  • getState(): provided by Redux, returns the state of your store.

  • subscribe(listener: () => void): Unsubscribe: provided by Redux, adds a change listener.

  • replaceReducer(nextReducer): void: provided by Redux, replaces the reducer currently used by the store to calculate the state.

  • dispatch(action): provided by Redux, a function that dispatches actions to the store. However, in Rematch dispatch can be also used as an object which contains action dispatchers (see example below).

Dispatch actions directly from store​

import store from "./store";
// dispatch reducers actions
store.dispatch({ type: "count/increment", payload: 1 }); // regular dispatch usage
store.dispatch.count.increment(1); // the same as above but with action dispatcher
// dispatch effects actions
store.dispatch({ type: "count/incrementAsync", payload: 1 }); // regular dispatch usage
store.dispatch.count.incrementAsync(1); // the same as above but with action dispatcher
import store from "./store";
// dispatch reducers actions
store.dispatch({ type: "count/increment", payload: 1 }); // regular dispatch usage
store.dispatch.count.increment(1); // the same as above but with action dispatcher
// dispatch effects actions
store.dispatch({ type: "count/incrementAsync", payload: 1 }); // regular dispatch usage
store.dispatch.count.incrementAsync(1); // the same as above but with action dispatcher

Add dynamic models​

import store from "./store";
// (1) initially
store.getState(); // { count: 0 }
// (2) add model
store.addModel({ name: "countB", state: 99 });
// (3) after adding
store.getState(); // { count: 0, countB: 99 }
import store from "./store";
// (1) initially
store.getState(); // { count: 0 }
// (2) add model
store.addModel({ name: "countB", state: 99 });
// (3) after adding
store.getState(); // { count: 0, countB: 99 }